How We Can Help You
What we have found with working with businesses over many years is that there is an assumption that a fancy website is going to solve more of their business problems than it will. Good marketing tools are powerful, but are not going to fix limiting beliefs that business leaders have about what is possible for the life of their organization, or an unrealistic view about what the world really needs from them. Most people are far too hard on themselves, and underestimate the good they bring to the world. Sometimes you need an outside voice to believe in your vision, or help you simplify your message to bring the best results.
Businesses across all industries find themselves in the same ruts. We have found more success in understanding the mentality and the posture that the leaders are living in, and creating a plan to help them get to the next place, rather than focusing on just a new website or expensive marketing solution. Without question, if you are faithfully serving your clients, your community, and your team, you will get to points in your business where there is a time for change and growth will be necessary. This requires a change in posture that I can help you identity, and if you will commit to a new thought process, we can supply you tools that can support the upgrade, helping you get to higher ground in your business.
Launching is the first step into the business world, and the most transformative. All your ideas are there and you are ready to step up and out and create marketing materials to reveal your business to the world. This looks like a website, social media launch, and some basic print materials to get you started. If you have the funds, a promotional video is very powerful. More than anything, it requires you to go from someone with a lot of great ideas to someone who actively solves their customers problems and gets paid. A launch requires you first and foremost to have faith, to believe you have what it takes, and to commit to an idea that will make the world a better place. We can come alongside you, be your biggest cheerleader, and get you over the finish line to launching your business.
An upgrade allows you to get rid of old concepts of your business, and with it the marketing and branding that doesn't represent the truth of who you are. You may have had a website that worked for the first few years you were in business, but now it is old and tired and doesn't inspire confidence from your customers in who you are today. Now is the time to update your identity to reflect the caliber of your expertise to attract the audience that is ready to implement your solutions. It allows you to refine your business to the services that you find life in the most, and tells a more powerful story that can get you deeper into the hearts of your target market. My involvement includes undrstanding and affirming where you've been, assessing where you are today, picking out the GOLD and creating materials that support a powerful story and the upgrade that comes with letting go of the old identity. This often looks like a more professional brand with a supporting website and communication that more accurately shows your expertise and experience.
Build Your Legacy, Tell Your Story
There comes a time when business owners stop thinking so hard about feeding their family, making payroll, and growing their business, and they think more about what they will leave behind to future generations. One of the ways we can help is to create images, video, and marketing materials that support an organization's vision and culture so that they will have the necessary tools to move their business closer to that outlook, and ensure their business will retain it long after leaders and owners retire. Storytelling is so important both to members within an organization and to help influence and help inspire other leaders in the community.
Simplify / Specialize
Everyone has a starting place in their business, and go through phases where they grow up and out, and then are refined to be a more authentic and potent version of themselves. Sometimes this looks like creating systems where a business owner can automate or move certain services online, and focus on reaching a broader audience through speaking engagements and building up their platform. Other times it looks like simplifying and eliminating services to concentrate on more one on one time with their intended customer base. We create marketing materials that help refine a company's vision and create systems that allow businesses to send consistent messages that reach far and wide, or to distill and simplify a business's message to be deep and impactful.
Walk through a Crisis
These are strange times we are living in. The leaders who survive a crisis are the ones who adapt quickly, are realistic about what is happening in the world, but know and are able to convey with confidence that they will prevail. Many will need to be creative and innovative, and pivot their business model to accommodate the needs at hand to survive. One of the ways good marketing can help you is to help keep the train on the tracks - to create relevant communication that both address the difficulty of current issues, but also relay competent and timely solutions that will help solve your customers problems. All businesses will feel the impact of the 2020 Coronavirus and the economic downturn. We can help you create a process for crisis communication and help your marketing strategy evolve and allow your business to thrive.