Silver Highway



Meet Silver Highway - founder Katie Norrell

I was raised in Alabama in a family passionate about storytelling, and was taught the critical importance of the dignity of all humans. This has shaped the way I look at the world and what my place and responsibility is in it, and as Dr. Martin Luther King said:

"We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.”

I have worked in marketing since 2002, when I started as a designer for a nation-wide printing company and in promotion and book design for a textbook company. Shortly afterward I learned how to create powerful images and most of all how to believe in people, how to support their dreams, and how to use the tools I have accumulated to bring their ideas to life to support businesses that create jobs and sustain families.

My work has been featured on billboards, gone viral in national magazines, and I have created successful digital campaigns that have raised significant funds to support non-profit organizations working to make the world a better place. I have managed large advertising budgets and worked in multiple industries to create solutions that tell a powerful story and marketing materials that allow businesses to break new ground in the marketplace.

Working in both East and Middle Tennessee, I have a creative network all over the state who can help articulate the narrative that shows the hard work and passion behind existing brands and startups.

More than anything - I just want to listen well, understand your goals for your business, and work with you to make this vision a reality. I am humbled and honored to be included in your story.

In my spare time you can find me:

  • at trampoline parks - my favorite form of exercise

  • active in my church and community

  • creating tours around the South with great music, art, history, and museums

  • volunteering in organizations that support the value and economic empowerment of women

  • spending time with family and friends

  • shooting (pictures not people) in fun and interesting places

 I've known rivers: I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers.



What is Silver Highway?

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes

I have always loved the significance of rivers in art, music, and poetry.

Woody Guthrie’s “Roll on Columbia”, speaks to the river, “Your power is turning our darkness to dawn. Roll on Columbia, roll on,” as he reveals the importance of providing electricity to rural America by harnessing the mighty Columbia. The poet Langston Hughes writes about his soul growing deep like the rivers like he speaks of an old friend. He writes about bathing in the Euphrates and the “singing of the Mississippi,” when Abraham Lincoln went down to New Orleans on a riverboat as a young man and experienced the horrors of slavery first hand. This encounter with a devastating reality led to a conviction and series of events which shifted the course of American History.

Lionel Richie’s sings about a woman worth leaving his “fast” life for in Deep River Woman, and Billy Joel sings about a journey and yearning for something found only in a “River of Dreams.”

There are frequent mentions of rivers and bodies of water in scripture that reference a path of refreshment in a desert. Ezekiel speaks of a river bringing healing, sustenance, and life wherever it goes.

In history, biblical texts, music and art, there exists a consistent theme of rivers bringing sources of life, whether it is commerce, romance, healing, redemption, and at times a pathway to painful realities that brought about courageous acts in history. Entire civilizations have been built around the life and hope that rivers bring.

The journey of Silver Highway represents that. If one were flying over the land, they would see silver pathways that carve up the landscape, and whenever I see these, I think of a journey that brings life and hope. We know businesses and organizations are birthed out of people’s passion and hard work, and we like to do anything we can to represent these companies with empowering communication tools. We use photography, beautiful websites, and graphic design to bring the dreams of businesses and non profits to life, and to tell their story in a way that reflects their identity in creative and powerful ways.

Hope you’ll get in touch and let us tell your story.

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