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Silver Highway
Discovery Questions - Greater Things
First Name
Last Name
1) What is the problem that you see in the world around you that motivates you to create your ministry – or the ministry that you would like to evolve to?
2) Describe the demographics of your ministry: age, location, family, basic income level (working class, middle, upper middle, etc), gender, race.
3) How would you describe the psycho-graphics of your market? (what are they motivated by, what are their fears, what are their dreams, what do they want out of this, why are they coming to you, etc)?
4) What language speaks to the people you’re trying to reach? Emotional / vulnerable, inspirational / empowering, cerebral/ informative, etc.
5) In a few sentences and at a gut level, tell me about your goals (financial, ministry-related, operational).
6) What is a basic timeline of when would you like to achieve these goals by?
7) What obstacles are standing in your way? What has blocked you in the past from reaching your goals – what are your pain points in ministry and operations?
8) What is your favorite part of what you do – what makes you come alive the most?
9) What sucks your energy, what do you like to do the least?
10) What are you going to have to believe about yourself – about what God says about you – to be successful in this new place?
11) What mindsets will you have to let go of to achieve your goals?
12) All growth requires us to align with new partners that will help guide our “True North”. What types of leaders / organizations will you need to partner with to see your vision develop?
13) What are the top five goals you would like for this communication project (online marketing, discovery process, photography) to achieve? other thoughts / reflection has this exercise brought up for you?
14) What other thoughts / reflection has this exercise brought up for you?
Thank you!